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The Compelling Benefits of Video Marketing

There are many benefits to video marketing.

Videos rest at the heart of any good marketing strategy. According to Wyzowl, in 2020, 89% of video marketers said that their videos produced a good return on investment. Videos are quickly becoming a primary source of entertainment and information for consumers.  So, it goes without saying, video marketing is a must-have for all businesses.

In our blog post, we will explore the key benefits of video marketing for businesses. Additionally, we will look at video marketing’s correlation with online sales.

The Benefits of Video Marketing

Video content is easy to consume

Video content can sometimes be easier to consume than written content. For example, if users are in a rush and they need answers quickly, they are more likely to turn to a video. Video content is, naturally, more engaging than written content. Furthermore, video content allows brands to deliver information in easy-to-digest, bitesize chunks.

Next time, instead of sharing a report with your customers, why not turn it into a visually engaging video clip? Animate it and provide the information in small chunks and people are much more likely to watch and interact with it.

Videos are easily shareable

Invodo reports that 92% of mobile video viewers share videos with others. Video content is highly shareable and users are much more likely to share it than other forms of content.

The more your video is shared, the more people it will reach. So, well-crafted, shareable video content can help get your brand name out there. Also, whilst uploading videos to YouTube, be sure to share them on social media websites, too. Websites such as Facebook and Twitter are helpful for increasing audiences. Posting videos on your social media pages is a great way to captivate followers. Additionally, videos can encourage followers to share content with their peers.  

Increase your marketing reach by sharing video content on social media. - Image source:

Video builds brand recognition

Seven in ten people view brands in a more positive light after watching interesting video content from them. Video is the perfect tool for brands to use to introduce themselves to consumers and forge long-lasting relationships with them.

Behind the scenes videos, interviews with employees and other brand-focused videos are great for showing customers that your brand is more than just a website.

Video is great for SEO

You should know by now just how important content is to your SEO strategy but it’s not just blog posts and website content that count. Video content is also great for boosting your SEO, so be sure to optimise it with relevant keywords.

You will find that videos tend to appear higher in Google searches and they most definitely stand out more. This means they’ll help to generate more click-throughs to your site and give you a higher chance of increasing conversions.

It creates conversions

Video not only helps to build a brand’s reputation but also creates conversions. According to MarketingProfs, 70% of marketing professionals report that video converts better than any other medium.

With this in mind, you may want to start creating video content as a way of driving your online sales. Product demonstrations and Q&A videos are great for building consumers’ buying confidence and encouraging them to make that all-important call to action.

Consumer created videos can also help to drive traffic to your website and increase conversions. Encouraging customers to review your products on YouTube or even create an unboxing video is a great way to boost engagement and strengthen your video marketing strategy.

Leverage The Benefits of Video Marketing Today

All the current statistics regarding video marketing point to it as being the future of online sales. Video is something that consumers find easy to engage with and share, therefore making it a valuable tool for all businesses. If you haven’t already, now’s the time to incorporate video into your content marketing strategy. It’ll be the best thing you do all year.

Image credits: nickstone333 and Images from SumAll

Written by Formation Formation