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 In-House Marketing Support: The Benefits of Outsourcing

Having your own in-house marketing team has many benefits. It can boost company morale, strengthen brand messaging, and improve internal comms. But it also comes with some drawbacks.  

Complex, multi-channel campaigns can stretch in-house teams to breaking point. It’s costly to keep specialist services, like SEO, and time-consuming tasks, like content creation, in-house. And a lack of outside perspective with in-house marketing can muddy brand messaging for consumers.  

Seeking outsourced marketing services to support your in-house team is the perfect solution. It will take the strain off your in-house marketeers during busy times and bolster your campaigns with a broader range of skills and a greater depth of expertise.  

Here are 4 ways to support your in-house marketing with outsourced help: 


Whether it’s a short-term campaign or a long-term marketing plan you’re working on, having a clear, overarching strategy is essential. It keeps everything and everyone on track and ensures all communications are pulling in the same direction. It also helps your team meet targets on the various campaign elements and identify any snags that could hold things up.  

You know your product and business better than anyone. But sometimes, having an outside perspective on your marketing strategy can make it more coherent and effective for your audience. It can also help you clarify your value proposition, define your campaign objectives, and plot a clear path to an impactful delivery. 

Marketing strategy is a skill that requires expert insight and knowledge. Seeking support from an outside specialist will provide your in-house team with a plan they can implement and revise going forward.     

Content creation  

Content creation covers a broad range of marketing material for various channels. It can include website, email, social, and print copy, as well as photography, video, and graphic design. 

All these elements are time-consuming to produce. As any content creator knows, it takes a lot of research and creativity to come up with fresh, exciting ideas to keep your audience engaged.  

While some in-house teams may be lucky enough to have their own copywriters, designers, and even videographers, it’s easy for these departments to become overwhelmed when there’s a sudden increase in demand. This can impact both the quality of the campaign’s elements and the scheduling of its delivery, diluting its overall effectiveness. 

Outsourcing content creation to a marketing support service has several benefits for in-house teams. Not only can it help spread the workload, ensuring quality and timings stay on track, working with outsourced content creators brings new ideas to the table.  

It also gives you access to a wealth of software and equipment you may not have in-house, broadening the scope for your campaign delivery.  

SEO and analytics  

Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO, is a way of helping your website rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). It uses various techniques, including keywords, best-practice web design, and backlinks to other high-authority sites.  

These factors all contribute to your website being recognised by search engines as a valuable, user-friendly resource that potential customers will want to see when Googling a product or service you provide. 

SEO is an ongoing optimisation process. The knowledge, tools, and time needed to perform SEO on a website are costly and it requires a dedicated specialist to implement an effective SEO campaign.  

While some larger in-house marketing teams have their own SEO experts, using outsourced marketing support to look after your SEO and digital analytics is a more cost-effective approach. And when you outsource your SEO to a professional agency, they’ll send your in-house team regular reports, so you can all stay up to date with your website’s progress.     

Social media 

Like SEO, social media is an area of marketing that requires specialist insight and constant monitoring to be effective. During busy periods, it’s easy for in-house social media managers to be swamped with messages and multiple campaigns, all of which need prompt attention. After all, the world of social media doesn’t sleep!     

Using an outsourced marketing agency to support your social media management and strategy will ensure it runs smoothly. It will also mean there’s always someone with their eye on the effectiveness of your campaign posts, so you can monitor what’s working – and what isn’t, no matter how hectic things get.     

Formation Media is a dedicated, full-service digital agency. We can provide your in-house teams with all the marketing support you need, from specialist skills like strategy and SEO to specialist equipment like photography and videography services.  

Speak to a member of the Formation team today to learn how we can help support your in-house marketing.   

Written by Emily Formation