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29 / 08 / 19

The Future of Web Design With AI

Artificial Intelligence is something the likes of Stephen Hawking have warned about a number of times and many are sceptical about it.

However, it’s undeniable that AI provides huge opportunities for advancement and automation in business and marketing. It’s also no longer some faraway fantasy, it’s happening already.

Current uses of AI in business

Amazons AI Alexa
  • Advanced algorithms can adapt processes to changing conditions
  • Predictive analysis can create more efficient business operations
  • Chatbots and virtual assistants can handle customer-facing exchanges
  • Natural language interfaces can more aptly tackle conversational enquiries
  • Audio and visual interfaces can provide personalised recommendations

You may already have come into contact with processes such as these but not have been aware that it falls under the category of AI. It’s these levels of time-saving automation that AI has so far become a work mule for.

How can AI aid web design?

Among these other applications, AI has made its way into web design in a variety of ways. This makes for exciting but also potentially slightly unnerving times for web designers.

AI web builders such as TheGrid, Firedrop and Wix can perform a whole variety of functions. Such as coding a site picking appropriate images, and developing a good colour palette.

While this sounds pretty handy, there are restrictions. AI can create a pretty reasonable website, but nothing amazing. These kinds of sites would likely meet the needs of a small business just fine. However, a larger, more exposed company is unlikely to be happy with the level of quality current AI designers produce.

Code for an AI

The main assistance that AI can provide in web design is performing what were previously time-consuming tasks such as analytics and finding the ideal colour palette for a site.

This can make the role of a web designer much easier and free more time for the more creative and ‘human’ elements of the design process. Through their ability to detect irregularities, AIs can aid with ensuring design consistency across a site by detecting faults that a human may not have been able to.

The future of web design

As advanced as these AI web designers are, all of the evidence points toward the fact that the human touch is still largely necessary throughout the process. To ensure the construction of a high-quality website.

Igal Raichelgauz, the CEO of Cortica, made a valid point when he noted that sometimes effective web design requires breaking the mould to some extent. AI robots aren’t very good at operating outside of their set parameters.

These issues mean that human web designers are unlikely to be made redundant any time soon. Their capacity to create and design is so much more advanced than anything a computer is capable of.

That being said it is possible that we may reach a stage where we can develop websites that can tailor their content on the spot to each visitor based upon their preferences elsewhere.

This could lead to the internet becoming much more fluid and user-centric environment that begins to take on a life of its own.

To find out what our team of expert human web designers can do for your business, click here.

Written by Kathryn Formation