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Repurposing Content: Why Is It Important to Update Old Blogs?

Maintaining your website with up-to-date blog content is essential when it comes to staying competitive within your industry. SEO optimised blog content is loaded with benefits and helps form part of a well-rounded SEO and content strategy. Creating high-quality and well optimised blog content is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to boost your site’s organic traffic.

But information can become outdated, keywords can see shifts in user intent and algorithms change. This means that any blog posts you published on your site in the past can see a decline in performance and relativity. For many websites, blog posts are written, uploaded and then forgotten about for the rest of eternity, gathering dust on the blog shelf.

All is not lost, however. There are huge benefits to updating blogs. Repurposing content can help refresh a good piece of writing and give it a new lease of life and, by doing so, you potentially put the piece in front of a brand-new audience that is more engaged with what you have to say.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at repurposing content and why it is important to update old blog posts.

Investing Time to Update Blogs

As we all know, the internet is ever-changing. There is a constant stream of information being shared, which means that blog posts can become outdated. Fast. However, not every blog post needs to be refreshed or have the content repurposed.

There are things such as ‘evergreen’ blogs, which focus on a topic that is of relevance all year round. With these blog posts, you might find that they already bring in high levels of organic traffic and rank well, so rather than refreshing them completely, just be sure to check in on them every now and then.

Instead, look to make meaningful improvements to blog posts which add value. Updating blog content with the latest information helps keep it relevant to what users are searching for. This helps to build trust amongst your audience and pinpoint your site as a reliable and authoritative source within your industry.

At Formation Media, we understand that investing time into your blog content can be quite time-intensive, let alone updating blogs that are older. This is why we’re here to help! Our content and SEO team are on hand to ensure your blog posts, old and new, are kept up to date and relevant for users.

What Does Updating Blogs Involve?

Updating blog posts and repurposing content simply means freshening up content that is already published on your website. It can include things such as:

  • Adding new facts or statistics
  • Changing or increasing the internal links within the content
  • Optimising for SEO using keywords
  • Creating a clear heading structure
  • Updating images or graphs

Typically, you should look to update blog posts once or twice a year depending on the topic. Should you update more regularly, then you risk experiencing keyword ranking fluctuations and poor click through rates. It’s good to create a balancing act between creating fresh new blog content and identifying old blog posts for their potential to be refreshed.

Our content repurposing process involves carrying out an analysis of your older blog posts and seeing what impact they are having on your site currently. Our teams will then check SEO optimisations and content quality, looking for any potential in which we can repurpose the content and bring it up to date.

Why Is Updating Blogs Important?

Repurposing blog content is important as it helps to keep your website updated and relevant, providing value to your audience. By updating blog content, you can improve your website visibility and keyword rankings, as you can align your blog content with your SEO focuses which can lead to increased website users and engagement.

Google is said to prefer fresh content (to some extent) but updating and refreshing older blog content has the potential to outperform a newer blog post. The search engine recognises sites that keep their content updated and relevant to its users and by refreshing old blog content, you increase the chances of your site achieving better rankings in the search results.

Updating your blog content helps provide your audience with accurate information, keeps readers up to date with industry trends and insights and helps you maintain a competitive edge over others in your industry.

Need Help Repurposing Blog Content?

Repurposing old blog content isn’t just a smart marketing strategy, it’s essential for ensuring you’re keeping your website up to date and optimised. By taking time to repurpose content on your site’s blog, you can take your existing posts and update them to appeal to new or more relevant audiences that bring better results for your site.

Not sure where to start? Reach out to us at Formation Media and we can create a strategy focused around repurposing your old blog content!

Written by Olivia SEO Boss