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22 / 06 / 17

Prime Facility Services launches with rebrand

Prime Facility Services recently underwent a rebrand as they distinguished themselves from an existing nationwide franchise and became their own independent company.

We were approached as Prime Facility Services were looking for a complete rebrand from their existing franchise. They needed a name, strapline and colour scheme all designing ready for their new launch. They were also keen to establish themselves as doing more than cleaning, so with this in mind we set out to help them find a new brand identity.

As they already had a large group of existing clients and staff, we conducted short interviews and focus groups to get a feel for how the company operated, what kind of service they offered to clients, and what their core values were. The feedback we received was very positive, and we uncovered key values such as quality service, value for money, high client and staff retention, trust, and standards of excellence.

prime facility services logo

From this, we were able to draw up some sample names and straplines to present to the client. We also explored new colour palettes, as Prime Facility Services wanted to have bright, bold and modern branding to help them and their fleet vehicles stand out. The pink, green and grey palette was quickly decided on as an excellent choice for the company, and from here we designed some sample logos and continued working with them on getting the final details right.

After settling on ‘Prime Facility Services’ as the new name, and deciding on ‘Service. Excellence. Value’ as the strapline, we rolled out the final branding to them and rebranded their presentation materials ready for them to launch straight away, complete with sales pitch in hand.

We have worked closely with the Prime Facility Services director, David Edwards, throughout this rebrand, and he had this to say:

“I engaged Formation in February 2017 to help me re-brand my business after I had agreed to exit a franchise arrangement. Formation produced a detailed proposal involving focus groups and client questionnaires. Timescales were tight but they came through in time with a range of innovative and exciting names, colours, designs and strap lines. Joe and Hannah then discussed the options with me and after a few changes we came up with a fantastic, fresh new identity all my staff have really connected with. Following this re-branding, I have asked Formation to help re-brand some of my sales collaterals and proposals which they have delivered on time and to a great standard.

I would definitely recommend Formation to any SME going through the same process.”

Is your company looking to rebrand? Contact Formation today and see how we can help.

Written by Formation Formation