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Formation – Cyber Essentials

Cybersecurity is one of the biggest threats to global businesses around the world, with attacks coming in all different directions, from within businesses by malicious employees, to general attacks on specific devices. The world is an evil place with some people taking a greed by exploiting money from companies and individuals, and some people just doing it “because they can”.

There are ways in which companies can do all in their power to help prevent these attacks and keep vital company information protected and secure. Some are just guidelines to follow, where others are certifications to prove you have an understanding and implementation to protect the company from harm.

Every year Formation renews its Cyber Essentials certification to demonstrate to our existing and potential clients that our internal IT security meets national guidelines in order to protect individuals, the company and our client’s information from potential attacks. It covers the basics of using secure passwords to ensure that reviews are in place to ensure all software that we use is correctly licensed and up-to-date.    

As part of our recertification process, Formation spent many hours reviewing and updating our documentation, procedures and training to ensure they continue to be secure and relevant at protecting our systems and data. 

Extra information: NCNS Cyber Essentials.

Written by Jason Technical Manager