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13 things you can do today to get more leads from your Financial Services website 

Whether you’re a self-employed IFA or global financial consultancy, your Financial Services website has two main roles to perform:  

  • Attract people seeking financial advice to your website 
  • Turn those visitors into paying clients 

These people could be first-time visitors to your website, or they could be existing customers seeking additional Financial Services. In each case, the goal of your website is to generate more leads, and ultimately, more revenue for your advisory business. 

With this in mind, here are 13 things you can do today to get more leads from your Financial Services website. 

1. Create relevant content

Creating Financial Services content that’s relevant to your customers and adding this to your website has lots of benefits for generating and converting leads.  

    Firstly, it attracts users to your website – especially if your articles, blogs, and news stories are optimised for SEO. Secondly, it asserts you as a helpful, informative authority on the financial advice subjects you choose to write about.  

    And thirdly, offering free tips and valuable nuggets of relevant financial advice to website visitors inspires confidence in your business. It makes them look favourably on you and your services, so they’re more likely to choose you over your competitors when comparing their options.  

    2. Share it on social media and email  

    Once you’ve created your Financial Services inspired content and it’s uploaded to your website, sharing links to it on your social media channels will improve its reach and make sure it's seen by the right people – ie those seeking financial advice! 

      Doing this not only draws warm leads to your website; it also boosts your presence on social media and raises the online profile of your advisory business.  

      You can also include links to your useful online articles in email newsletters to your existing customers. This is good way to nurture the leads you already have; remind them of the invaluable financial advice they’ve received from you and encourage them to come back for more.  

      3. Improve the user journey for your visitors (UX design) 

      Once a visitor lands on your website, you want them to enjoy the experience. This is a taste of your customer service, so first impressions count! 

        Make your website easy to navigate by using clear menus and buttons. Think about your customer’s user journey step by step; which financial services they might be looking for and how you can help them find the right information they need on your website first time.  

        By focusing on a simple, clear layout and including internal links to relevant pages, you create an intuitive website that’s stress-free for users to browse. This all speaks volumes about the efficiency of your Financial Services and encourages website visitors to become paying clients. 

        4. Make sure it’s working! 

        How many times have you left a website because of the dreaded spinning beachball? Slow, clunky, unresponsive websites are a huge client turn-off and the fastest way to send potential customers into the arms of your competitors.   

          To counter this, check your Financial Services website is working on all major browsers including Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox. You should also make sure it’s compatible with a range of devices. Lots of people now use their phones as their preferred method of browsing, so a site that’s mobile friendly is a must. 

          Finally, carry out an audit on your website content to make sure there’s no uncompressed images or video files that could be slowing it down. This is an easy fix that could make all the difference to the loading speed of your site and the staying power of your visitors.

          5. Brush up your design and customer appeal  

          The look and feel of your website say as much about your business as its smooth operation. You want your Financial Services to appeal to your ideal clients, so make sure your design choices reflect this. 

            If you specialise in working with HNWI, for example, your branding needs to say ‘high-end, premium service’. If you’re using WordPress, make sure the colours, template, and imagery you choose don’t cheapen the look of your brand and business.  

            If you aren't happy with what WordPress offers, you might want to consider a Headless CMS that gives you more scope for customisation to make your services stand out from the competition. (Incidentally, Headless technology is also more secure than WordPress as it doesn't require the use of plugins that can compromise backend integrity.)

            The design of your site and brand should sell your Financial Services; the quality of these will reflect the quality of the leads your website generates. 

            6. Work on your website copy 

            Do the words on your website back up the look and feel of your brand? Do they communicate the value proposition of your Financial Services clearly and speak to your client base?  

              Review the copy on your website with a critical eye. Look out for jargon, which can alienate potential clients, and check whether what’s written on the page is easy to digest.  

              Most people scan Financial Services websites to see if they are offering the products or services they require. Make it easy for visitors to spot this information quickly by using bullet points and headings to break up big chunks of text.  

              Landing pages with copy that’s optimised for keywords relevant to your Financial Services will push your website up Google’s rankings and help more potential leads find you online.  

              7. Improve its accessibility rating 

              Keywords aren't the only way to optimise your Financial Services website so more potential clients land there. Search engines like Google also look to place websites higher up the listings depending on how accessible they are.  

                Improving accessibility of your Financial Services website is about ensuring everyone who visits it has an equally valuable user experience.  

                This could mean adding things like Alt Text to your images to provide visually impaired users with audio descriptions. Menus that are navigable with a keyboard are vital for users with limited motor functions who can’t use a mouse.  

                Find out more about improving the digital accessibility of your online Financial Services here.  

                8. Make it helpful  

                How helpful your website is also affects its Googe rankings and how effective it is at getting you more leads.  

                  A good way to make your Financial Services website more helpful for users is to add FAQs to your pages.  

                  This allows you to include more detailed, targeted information about how you work with clients and the solutions you provide while answering some of the common questions your potential leads might use in their Google searches. 

                  Try to make your FAQs as specific to your services as possible to really hone in on those warm leads.  

                  9. Make it easy for visitors to say ‘yes’ 

                  There are several stages to a person’s journey that take them from website visitor to paying client. At each stage of this user journey, you want to make it as easy as possible for your website visitor to say ‘yes’ to taking the next step.  

                    It might be that you want them to scroll to the bottom of a landing page or click a link to find more information. You might have an enquiry form you want them to complete or a number you want them to call. Whatever action you want your lead to take next, make it clear with decisive messaging what their next steps should be, so they don’t wander off your website. 

                    Examples of effective Calls to Action (CTAs) for Finacial Services websites are: Read More, Download a Brochure, Book a Consultation, Speak to an Adviser. 

                    10. Add some social proof 

                    How many leads and new clients have come to you through word of mouth? Even the best website in the world won’t sell your Financial Services as well as a first-hand recommendation from a real human being. 

                      Including first-person testimonials and positive reviews from existing customers on your website is one of the best ways to convert visitors into clients.  

                      You can use case studies to tell your client’s story, or simply ask your customers for quotes about how they’ve benefitted from your services. Remember: the most powerful testimonials are those that speak about your Financial Services in a personal way, so encourage your customers to share details of their individual experience.  

                      11. Use video  

                      The rise in popularity of platforms like TikTok have seen the presence of online video content soar. It’s not unusual now for services to include video content on their websites to make it easy for visitors to learn about their offering and its benefits.  

                        This is because a 2-minute video can convey a lot of bite-size information and makes for a very persuasive, time-efficient tool for converting leads into clients.   

                        Consider using video testimonials from clients, a short montage of your services, or a one-to-one introduction to your business to add another dimension to your website content and keep visitors engaged.  

                        12. Don’t let them slip away! 

                        It may take several visits to your website before a new lead decides to take up your Financial Services. In the meantime, getting them to share an email address with you is a good way to keep them updated with relevant news and offers that encourage them to return to your site.  

                          Offering an incentive, such as exclusive promotions or a downloadable guide to financial planning, will persuade more visitors to entrust you with their contact details.  

                          13. Contact Formation Media 

                          There's no one fix to getting more leads from your Financial Services website – but there is a fix for implementing all the above. 

                            Formation Media is a full-service digital marketing agency that specialises in working with Financial Advisers and businesses in the Financial Services sector.  

                            Our industry experience, coupled with the skills of our in-house team and proven approach, give you everything you need to execute a lead-generating website and marketing campaign that translates to business growth.  

                            Start your journey towards securing more clients and increasing your revenue today.  

                            Written by Emily Formation